But, it did take me a while to get used to the language that the Gladers created and immediately forced the reader to try to decipher--much like Thomas' experience. Well, exactly the same since he is the character that we follow.
Thomas wakes up with no clear memory as to who he is or where he is. We come to learn that he has been dropped into this society of young men who have created their own society with one focus: to learn how to escape the maze that is outside the stone walls that close every night.
There are mechanical/bloblike creatures that live in the maze (Grievers) whose "sting" requires a serum that triggers memories of the past for the victim. And the memories aren't good.
I still don't know what has happened to the world, and there was a total tear-jerker moment.
Luckily, there was ONE female character introduced to the book, but her role isn't big until the last third or so.
I will have to say that I might not have picked up this book had I known it is actually a trilogy with book 3 not due until next year some time!! ARGH. This book leaves the reader in a lurch because it includes two chapters of The Scorch Trials (book 2) and gives a HUGE cliffhanger.
I am going to have to get book 2 this weekend. BLARGH.

There are mechanical/bloblike creatures that live in the maze (Grievers) whose "sting" requires a serum that triggers memories of the past for the victim. And the memories aren't good.
I still don't know what has happened to the world, and there was a total tear-jerker moment.
Luckily, there was ONE female character introduced to the book, but her role isn't big until the last third or so.
I will have to say that I might not have picked up this book had I known it is actually a trilogy with book 3 not due until next year some time!! ARGH. This book leaves the reader in a lurch because it includes two chapters of The Scorch Trials (book 2) and gives a HUGE cliffhanger.
I am going to have to get book 2 this weekend. BLARGH.